1. What made you choose Karla Mason Boudoir?
1. A friend got me hip to her instagram page and I instantly loved her work then, another friend did a shoot with her and I totally fell in love with her work so I had to get a shoot done with her!
2. What were you nervous about going into your session?I was super nervous about how I was going to look on camera, I didn’t lose all the weight that I wanted to, I had gotten a severe sinus infection the week of my shoot and my monthly visitor so, I was worried I was going to look extra bloated and sickly.
3. What was your favorite part of the experience?I loved how Karla made you feel right at home from the moment you walked in the to the moment you walked out of the door!
4. How do you feel now that you’ve completed the session?I feel amazing! I feel truly beautiful. That your size does not define who you are!
5. Would you recommend Karla Mason Boudoir to others?1000 times YES!!!